Paper in Conference Proceedings
Figueira, Jorge (2024), ""Portuguese Architecture in the 1980s: into a dreamlike everyday life"," in Horacio Torrent (org.), Modern Futures. Sustainable Development and cultural diversity.: Docomomo International Ediciones ARQ, 921-928.
Book Chapter
Figueira, Jorge (2024), Profession: Távora, in José António Bandeirinha, Antonio Esposito, Giovanni Leoni with Giovanni Bellucci (ed), (org.), Histories of Postwar Architecture, n.11 2022 vol.V, 1923-2023 Fernando Távora at 100. Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 88-95
Book Chapter
Moniz, Gonçalo Canto (2024), Mestres e Colegas: Tempos de Escola, in Bernardo Pizarro Miranda, João Alves da Cunha e Manuel Possolo da Cruz (org.), Alberto Cruz. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais, 10-12
Paper in Conference Proceedings
Moniz, Gonçalo Canto; Mendes Ribeiro, João; Coelho, Carolina; Brigida, Pedro; Miranda, Duarte; Leal Gutierrez, Valentina (2024-12-08), "Collaborative Redesign of Modern Schools: Rethinking Spaces of Coimbra Lyceum" in Horacio Torrent (org.), Modern Futures. Santiago, Chile: DOCOMOMO International, 241-250.
Paper in Conference Proceedings
Quiroga, Carolina; Moniz, Gonçalo Canto (2024-12-08), "Re-education for reuse of modern spaces. Social and environmental dimension as a platform for inclusive didactic and research" in Horacio Torrent (org.), Modern Futures. Santiago, Chile: DOCOMOMO International, 1239-1245.
Paper in Conference Proceedings
Campos, Rita (2024), "Abordagens artísticas e participativas na comunicação de ciência" in Ana Santos Carvalho, Heloísa Gerardo, Inês Navalhas, Miguel Ferreira (org.), SciComPt2024 - Linguagens e Vozes para uma Ciência Acessível. Braga, Portugal: SciComPt - Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal, 31-35.
Book Chapter
Lechner, Elsa (2024), Estudos e práticas (auto)biográficas criativas: pesquisa, formação e diálogos em rede, in Elizeu Souza, Mariana Meireles, Rosvita Kolb Bernardes (org.), Redes de Pesquisa e Movimentos Insurgentes. Curitiba: CRV, 177-190
Book Chapter
Duxbury, Nancy; Rahim, Shamila (2024), Special session synthesis: China's exploration and practice of tourism revitalization after the epidemic, in N. Duxbury, S. Rahim, S. Silva, and T. Vinagre de Castro (org.), Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections. Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES-UC, 22-25