Capítulo em Livro

Lobo, Rui (2024), The architecture of Jesuit colleges and their secularly function - a brief overview, from an Iberian perspective, in Thomas Grunewald (org.), Frühneuzeitliche Schularchitekturen. Internationale und interdisziplinäre perspective («Hallesche Forschungen», 67). Halle: Franckeschen Stiftungen, 75-111


Outras Publicações

Marado, Catarina Almeida; García, Maria Del Castillo; Sancho Querol, Lorena; Fidalgo, Andreia; Vieira, Gabriela (2024), "The CONVENTUS project: building collaborative research for a local living heritage", International multidisciplinary scientific conference BEING SEA-EU , 146

Artigo em Revista Científica

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Activate the potential of the cultural and creative sector in non-urban areas", DiTe: Rivista di studio delle dinamiche territoriali, 56

Capítulo em Livro

Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Les nouveaux enjeux du Budget Participatif: un commun pour identifier et défendre d'autres communs?, in Marie Cornu; Yaëll Emerich (org.), Les communs urbains saisis par le droit. Paris: Mare & Martin


Silva, Sílvia; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Duxbury, Nancy (2024), Guidelines for Organizing Creative Tourism Laboratories, Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES-UC


Duxbury, Nancy; Amann, Sylvia; Brouder, Patrick; Joffe, Avril; Luckman, Susan; Ortiz, Jude; Wojan, Tim (2024), IN SITU International Advisory Board (IAB) Reports. Deliverable D7.1, IN SITU Project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 54 pp.


Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola (2024), IN SITU Plan for exploitation and dissemination of results. Deliverable D6.4, IN SITU project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 61 pp.


Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Silva, Sílvia; Fraioli, Martina (2024), IN SITU Policy brief 1 for DG RTD (interim recommendations). Deliverable D6.9, IN SITU project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 12 pp.


Cândido de Oliveira, António; Silva, Sílvia (2024), Anuário das Assembleias Municipais 2022. Braga: AEDREL

Capítulo em Livro

Silva, Sílvia (2024), Conference reflections and next steps: Closing session, in N. Duxbury, S. Rahim, S. Silva, and T. Vinagre de Castro (org.), Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections. Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES, 26-27


Duxbury, Nancy; Rahim, Shamila; Silva, Sílvia; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago (orgs.) (2024), Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections. Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES

Outras Publicações

Silva, Sílvia; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Guidelines for organizing creative tourism laboratories", Guidelines for organizing creative tourism laboratories

Capítulo em Livro

Silva, Sílvia (2024), Insights from practice: CREATOUR Azores pilots roundtable, in N. Duxbury, S. Rahim, S. Silva, and T. Vinagre de Castro (org.), Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections. Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES, 20-21

Outras Publicações

Connor, Kristen (2024), "Knowledge in High Places: Labor and the Scientific Industry in Western Uganda, 1860-1970", PhD Diss. University of Michigan.

Capítulo em Livro

Connor, Kristen (2024), "Lips of Knowledge are Precious Jewels": The Makerere Scientific Society and the Production of Scientific Knowledge at the Makerere University College, 1957-1972, in ABK Kasozi et al. (org.), Makerere's Century of Service to East Africa and Beyond. Makerere University Press: Kampala, Uganda: A.B.K. Kasozi et al., 293-308

Capítulo em Livro

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Rahim, Shamila (2024), People, place, and creativity: Rethink, reimagine, and shift tourism for local regeneration, in N. Duxbury, S. Rahim, S. Silva, and T. Vinagre de Castro (org.), Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections. Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES, 8-17

Outras Publicações

Figueira, Jorge (2024), "Convicções Cruzadas ou como (re)Descobrir um Arquiteto", A Periferia da Periferia. Joaquim Bento Lousan. Conjunto habitacional de Carcavelos, Matosinhos" , 9-11

Capítulo em Livro

Figueira, Jorge (2024), Hestnes Ferreira. A Experiência com Louis Kahn e Quatro Obras, in Alexandra Saraiva, Patrícia Bento d'Almeida, Paulo Tormenta Pinto (org.), Hestnes Ferreira. Forma. Matéria. Luz.. Porto: Fundação Marqes da Silva, 139-149

Capítulo em Livro

Figueira, Jorge (2024), Portugal, anos 1980: o pós-modernismo como expressão da democracia, in Valença, Márcio Moraes; Paiva, Ricardo Alexandre (org.), Arquiteturas Contemporâneas. Natal, Brasil: EDUFRN, 211-236

Artigo em Atas de Evento

Figueira, Jorge (2024), ""Portuguese Architecture in the 1980s: into a dreamlike everyday life"," in Horacio Torrent (org.), Modern Futures. Sustainable Development and cultural diversity.: Docomomo International Ediciones ARQ, 921-928.