Artigos em Revistas Científicas
Cardoso, Beatriz; Carpio, Antonio J.; Martinez?Haro, Mónica; Beltrán?Beck, Beatriz; Alzaga, Vanesa; Farelo, Liliana; Campos, Rita; Queirós, João; Melo?Ferreira, José; Alves, Paulo C.; Acevedo, Pelayo (2023), "Eco-physiological arguments on the functional impact of Lepus timidus mitochondrial DNA introgression in Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis)", Journal of Zoology, 322, 3, 281-289
Sousa, Joana; Campos, Rita; Mendes, Orlando; Duarte Lopes, Paula; Matias, Madalena; Rosa, Ana Paula; Mendes Fernandes, Raul; Cruz, Cristina; Indjai, Bucar; Infande, Adilson; da Costa, Maira; Salvaterra, Gonçalo; Lourenço, Juelson; Tavares, Dionísio; Camala, Djone; Ainslie, Andrew; Catarino, Luís (2023), "The (dis)engagement of mangrove forests and mangrove rice in academic and non-academic literature on Guinea-Bissau", PLOS ONE, 18, 4, e0284266
Acevedo, Pelayo; Melo-Ferreira, José; Farelo, Liliana; Beltran-Beck, Beatriz; Real, Raimundo; Campos, Rita; Alves, Paulo C. (2015), "Range dynamics driven by Quaternary climate oscillations explain the distribution of introgressed mtDNA of Lepus timidusorigin in hares from the Iberian Peninsula", Journal of Biogeography, 42, 9, 1727-1735
Feder, Jeffrey Lee; Albert, Frank W.; Afonso, Sandra; Pereira, Ricardo J.; Burbano, Hernan; Campos, Rita; Melo-Ferreira, José; Blanco-Aguiar, Jose A.; Villafuerte, Rafael; Nachman, Michael W.; Good, Jeffrey M.; Ferrand, Nuno (2014), "The Genomic Architecture of Population Divergence between Subspecies of the European Rabbit", PLoS Genetics, 10, 8, e1003519
Carneiro, M.; Rubin, C.-J.; Di Palma, F.; Albert, F. W.; Alfoldi, J.; Barrio, A. M.; Pielberg, G.; Rafati, N.; Sayyab, S.; Turner-Maier, J.; Younis, S.; Afonso, S.; Aken, B.; Alves, J. M.; Barrell, D.; Bolet, G.; Boucher, S.; Burbano, H. A.; Campos, R.; Chang, J. L.; Duranthon, V.; Fontanesi, L.; Garreau, H.; Heiman, D.; Johnson, J.; Mage, R. G.; Peng, Z.; Queney, G.; Rogel-Gaillard, C.; Ruffier, M.; Searle, S.; Villafuerte, R.; Xiong, A.; Young, S.; Forsberg-Nilsson, K.; Good, J. M.; Lander, E. S.; Ferrand, N.; Lindblad-Toh, K.; Andersson, L. (2014), "Rabbit genome analysis reveals a polygenic basis for phenotypic change during domestication", Science, 345, 6200, 1074-1079
Korstanje, R.; den Bieman, M.; Campos, R.; Esteves, P. J.; Lankhorst, Æ.; van der Loo, W.; van Zutphen, L. F. M.; van Lith, H. A.; Ferrand, N. (2001), "Genetic analysis and mapping of biochemical markers in an F2 intercross of two inbreed strains of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).", Biochemical Genetics, 39, 5/6, 169-178