Artigos em Revistas Científicas

Campos, Rita; Brito, Bianca (2024), "The role of citizen science in public engagement with socio-scientific debates", ARPHA Proceedings, 6, 19-23

Farias, Yaci; Campos, Rita (2024), "A roda de conversa 'Práticas de Educação Antiopressiva': Apontamentos e Reflexões", CEScontexto, 35, 5-16

Valente, Bernardo; Pinto, Hugo; Pereira, Tiago Santos; Campos, Rita (2024), "Exploring Biosensors' Scientific Production and Research Patterns: A Bibliometric Analysis", Sensors, 24, 10, 3082

Cardoso, Beatriz; Carpio, Antonio J.; Martinez?Haro, Mónica; Beltrán?Beck, Beatriz; Alzaga, Vanesa; Farelo, Liliana; Campos, Rita; Queirós, João; Melo?Ferreira, José; Alves, Paulo C.; Acevedo, Pelayo (2023), "Eco-physiological arguments on the functional impact of Lepus timidus mitochondrial DNA introgression in Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis)", Journal of Zoology, 322, 3, 281-289

Sousa, Joana; Campos, Rita; Mendes, Orlando; Duarte Lopes, Paula; Matias, Madalena; Rosa, Ana Paula; Mendes Fernandes, Raul; Cruz, Cristina; Indjai, Bucar; Infande, Adilson; da Costa, Maira; Salvaterra, Gonçalo; Lourenço, Juelson; Tavares, Dionísio; Camala, Djone; Ainslie, Andrew; Catarino, Luís (2023), "The (dis)engagement of mangrove forests and mangrove rice in academic and non-academic literature on Guinea-Bissau", PLOS ONE, 18, 4, e0284266

Laranjo, Mariana; Amaral, Sara; Caetano, Carolina; Santos, Sílvio; Campos, Rita; Peça, João; Seabra, Catarina M. (2023), "Brain Gain", The Biochemist, 45, 2, 21-27

Teixeira de Melo, Ana; Campos, Rita (2022), "Facilitating Scientific Events Guided by Complex Thinking: A Case Study of an Online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School", Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 25, 089-110
DOI Open Access

Campos, Rita (2022), "Including younger children in science-related issues using participatory and collaborative strategies: a pilot project on urban biodiversity", Journal of Science Communication, 21, 02, N07
Open Access

Costa, Mikaelle Kaline Bezerra da; Araújo, Magnólia Fernandes Florêncio; Campos, Rita; Freire, Eliza Maria Xavier (2021), "Demystifying ophidism: bridging school and society to develop educational resources", Ambiente & Sociedade, 24
DOI Open Access

Campos, Rita (2021), "Escolas enquanto ecossistemas colaborativos: (re)pensar as ligações entre formação, investigação e práticas pedagógicas", CEScontexto, 28, 23-30

Carpio, Antonio J.; Melo?Ferreira, José; Martinez?Haro, Mónica; Farelo, Liliana; Campos, Rita; Alves, Paulo C.; Acevedo, Pelayo; Riginos, Cynthia (2021), "Iberian hares with anciently introgressed mitochondrial DNA express a marginal environmental niche", Journal of Biogeography, 48, 9, 2328-2336

Campos, Rita; Monteiro, José; Carvalho, Cláudia (2021), "Engaged Citizen Social Science or the public participation in social science research", Journal of Science Communication, 20, 06, A06
Open Access

Horstink, Lanka; Fernandes, Lúcia; Campos, Rita (2020), "Introdução", e-cadernos CES, 34
DOI Open Access

Campos, Rita (2019), "Saúde, ambiente e a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável: contribuições a partir do património museológico de ciência", Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, 17 (supl. 3), S53-S56
Open Access

Campos, Rita (2019), "Participação pública na tomada de decisões políticas sobre desenvolvimento sustentável e saúde pública - uma proposta de investigação e disseminação.", CES Contexto, 25, 33-47

Campos, Rita (2018), "Museus universitários de ciência enquanto pontes no conhecimento: extensão, inclusão, sustentabilidade", Extensão & Sociedade, Edição especial, 47-59
Open Access

Campos, Rita; Almeida, Conceição; Araújo, Magnólia (2018), "Ensinar Genética e Evolução por meio de jogos didáticos: superando concepções alternativas de professores de ciências em formação.", Genética na Escola, 13, 1, 24-37
Open Access

Sá-Pinto, A; Cardia, P; Campos, Rita (2017), "Sexual selection: a short review on its causes and outcomes and activities to teach evolution and the nature of science.", American Biology Teacher, 79, 2, 131-139
DOI Open Access

Campos, Rita; Almeida, C; Alves, R (2017), "Identifying alternative conceptions about evolution in Portuguese high-school students: a reflection based on new and published data.", Enseñanza de las Ciencias, N.º Extraordinario, 3945-3950
Open Access

Campos, Rita; Araújo, Magnólia (2017), "Traditional artistic expressions in science communication in a globalized world: contributions from an exploratory project developed in Northeast Brazil", Science Communication, 39, 6, 798-809
DOI Open Access

Mohammadi, Saeed; Afonso, Sandra; Adibi, Mohammad Ali; Melo-Ferreira, José; Campos, Rita (2016), "A new and highly divergent mitochondrial lineage in the Small Five-toed Jerboa,Allactaga elater, from Iran (Mammalia: Rodentia)", Zoology in the Middle East, 62, 3, 206-211

Acevedo, Pelayo; Melo-Ferreira, José; Farelo, Liliana; Beltran-Beck, Beatriz; Real, Raimundo; Campos, Rita; Alves, Paulo C. (2015), "Range dynamics driven by Quaternary climate oscillations explain the distribution of introgressed mtDNA of Lepus timidusorigin in hares from the Iberian Peninsula", Journal of Biogeography, 42, 9, 1727-1735

Fontanesi, L; Di Palma, F; Flicek, P; Smith, AT; Thulin, C-G; Alves, PC; Lagomorph Genomics Consortium (2015), "LaGomiCs - Lagomorph Genomics Consortium: an international collaborative effort for sequencing the genomes of an entire mammalian order.", Journal of Heredity, 107, 4, 295-308

Campos, Rita; Sá-Pinto, Alexandra (2014), "Erratum to: Early evolution of evolutionary thinking: teaching biological evolution in elementary schools", Evolution: Education and Outreach, 7, 1

Feder, Jeffrey Lee; Albert, Frank W.; Afonso, Sandra; Pereira, Ricardo J.; Burbano, Hernan; Campos, Rita; Melo-Ferreira, José; Blanco-Aguiar, Jose A.; Villafuerte, Rafael; Nachman, Michael W.; Good, Jeffrey M.; Ferrand, Nuno (2014), "The Genomic Architecture of Population Divergence between Subspecies of the European Rabbit", PLoS Genetics, 10, 8, e1003519

Sá-Pinto, X; Ponce, R; Fonseca, MJ; de Oliveira, P; Campos, Rita (2014), "Evolução biológica no dia-a-dia das escolas.", Revista de Ciência Elementar, 2, 3, 21-25

Carneiro, M.; Rubin, C.-J.; Di Palma, F.; Albert, F. W.; Alfoldi, J.; Barrio, A. M.; Pielberg, G.; Rafati, N.; Sayyab, S.; Turner-Maier, J.; Younis, S.; Afonso, S.; Aken, B.; Alves, J. M.; Barrell, D.; Bolet, G.; Boucher, S.; Burbano, H. A.; Campos, R.; Chang, J. L.; Duranthon, V.; Fontanesi, L.; Garreau, H.; Heiman, D.; Johnson, J.; Mage, R. G.; Peng, Z.; Queney, G.; Rogel-Gaillard, C.; Ruffier, M.; Searle, S.; Villafuerte, R.; Xiong, A.; Young, S.; Forsberg-Nilsson, K.; Good, J. M.; Lander, E. S.; Ferrand, N.; Lindblad-Toh, K.; Andersson, L. (2014), "Rabbit genome analysis reveals a polygenic basis for phenotypic change during domestication", Science, 345, 6200, 1074-1079

Campos, Rita; Sá-Pinto, Alexandra (2013), "Early evolution of evolutionary thinking: teaching biological evolution in elementary schools", Evolution: Education and Outreach, 6, 1, 25

Mohammadi, Saeed; Naderi, Gholamreza; Pahlevanravi, Ahmad; Campos, Rita (2012), "Efficiency of spotlight surveys in estimating the relative abundance and nightly movements of Allactaga hotsoni firouzi", Zoology and Ecology, 22, 2, 81-85

Campos, R; Storz, J F; Ferrand, N (2011), "Copy number polymorphism in the α-globin gene cluster of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)", Heredity, 108, 5, 531-536

Campos, R; Storz, J F; Ferrand, N (2008), "Evidence for contrasting modes of selection at interacting globin genes in the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)", Heredity, 100, 6, 602-609

Korstanje, R.; den Bieman, M.; Campos, R.; Esteves, P. J.; Lankhorst, Æ.; van der Loo, W.; van Zutphen, L. F. M.; van Lith, H. A.; Ferrand, N. (2001), "Genetic analysis and mapping of biochemical markers in an F2 intercross of two inbreed strains of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).", Biochemical Genetics, 39, 5/6, 169-178