
Complex thinking and artificial intelligence

28 de outubro de 2024, 13h00-19h30 (GMT+1)

Evento em formato digital

Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have also opened new possibilities for Human-AI interaction towards systems of co and augmented intelligence. On the other hand, developments regarding the practice of complex thinking, as a mode of coupling with the world that is organisationally coherent with the properties that organise complex natural and social systems, has been proposed as potentially leading to more effective ecosystemically positive and sustainable possibilities for action. It is hypothesised that more complex modes of thinking may lead to creative and abductive leaps capable of guiding effective interventions and the process of managing change in “real-world” complex systems, in conditions of uncertainty and risk.  The CT & AI project will explore possibilities and limits of the interaction of a framework for the practice and promotion of Complex Thinking (CT) with AI tools based on LLMs (e.g. Chat GPT, Gemini). It aimed at developing and evaluating preliminary protocols to guide the integration of methods and tools for promoting CT with the use of AI tools towards generating complex understandings for practice and research. Finally, it aimed at exploring stakeholders (policy-makers, practitioners, scientists/academics) stances regarding the use of AI in relation to CT.

This event is organised into two sections.
Part I includes a seminar with the presentation of the outcomes, challenges and reflections emerging from the Complex Thinking & AI exploratory research project and a panel discussion with guest commentators. Selected questions, comments and reflections will contribute to Part II.
In Part II,  participants (registration is free, but mandatory) are invited to engage in a collaborative and dialogical discussion on the challenges and opportunities regarding the development of coupled systems of Human, Artificial Intelligences and perhaps more-than-Human Intelligences, supporting and enacting complex thinking.
This dialogue will be supported by a basic version of a complex-thinking informed method to guide discussions towards the emergence of new ideas, facilitated by the CT & AI team. The debate will take as a starting point the discussions in the morning and identify key questions and challenges related to the following topics:
AI in coupled systems of co-intelligences enacting and guided by CT
Ethics, AI and CT
Social representations of AI and CT and implications for use of AI based systems
AI, CT and 4-E cognition processes


Participation in Part I of the event does not require registration > Link: https://zoom.us/j/85244490304 | ID: 852 4449 0304 | Passcode: 928341

Participation in Part II is dependent on registration. Participants will be expected to engage in a discussion and to have their videos turned on, to the extent that is possible.