
Dialogues and photography in a democratic context: the photovoice methodology

Maria Alice Nunes Costa (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

April 3, 2023, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


This Seminar aims to present theoretical and analytical contributions about how the photovoice methodology can broaden the epistemological view of the scientific investigation field, by analysing photography as subjective expression and in a transdisciplinary way from the connection with the "indicative paradigm", the "optical unconscious" and the "sociology of absences".

Bio note

Maria Alice Nunes Costa is a sociologist, political scientist and PhD in urban planning. She is Associate Professor at Federal Fluminense University, Institute of Art and Social Communication (IACS, Art Department), permanent professor at the Post-Graduate Programme in Sociology and Law (PPGSD/UFF) and coordinator of LADER Laboratory (Laboratory of Public Policies, Governance and Regional Development/UFF/CNPq). She works in the field of Art with photography as a creative, communicational and educational process to catalyze sensitive experiences and critical reflection on urban scenarios, researching the social absences and invisibilities, in a transdisciplinary perspective.