
From theory to Cosmologies of Literature: first dialogue 

Harlon Homem de Lacerda Sousa (CES)

May 29, 2024, 14h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

This seminar is the first of four dialogues on the concepts and categories of a reflection on the literary object from a counter-colonial and Afro-Brazilian cosmoperception based on the thinking of Antonio Bispo dos Santos and Lelia Gonzalez. In this first seminar, as well as presenting the foundations of these cosmologies, we will discuss the works “Olhos d'Água” by Conceição Evaristo, “Um defeito de cor” by Ana Maria Gonçalves, “O Escravo” by Carolina Maria de Jesus, “Torto Arado” by Itamar Vieira Júnior and Volume 40 of Cadernos Negros.

Study Programme

Panorama of Contemporary Brazilian Literature (1946-2023)

Notes for an understanding of an amefrican and countercolonial cosmology of literature.

Analysis corpora: “Olhos D'Água” by Conceição Evaristo; “O Escravo” by Carolina Maria de Jesus; Cadernos Negros - Volume 40; “Torto Arado” by Itamar Vieira Júnior; “Um defeito de cor” by Ana Maria Gonçalves;

Bio Note

Harlon Homem de Lacerda Sousa is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra with the project “Literary narrative theory in a Counter-colonial and Amefrican Cosmoperception”. He is a lecturer on the Humanities/Portuguese course at the State University of Piauí - Campus Professor Possidônio Queiroz (UESPI-OEIRAS). In 2018, he defended his doctoral thesis “The Sertanejo Architectonics of João Guimarães Rosa's Fiction”.