Book presentation

«Habitação para além da crise: Política, conflito, direito» by Simone Tulumello

January 30, 2025, 18h30

Sala Keynes, Faculty of Economics - UC

Ana Cordeiro Santos (CES-UCoimbra) and Ricardo Noronha (IHC-UNL) will present the book. The author will attend.

This book returns to the field of housing in Portugal in order to go beyond the “crisis” that runs through it: it problematises the very idea of “crisis” while outlining possible ways to overcome it. This book debates, through public policies, the centrality of the state in determining access to housing and the conflict that has historically determined the balance of forces between the right to housing and the use of housing as an instrument of profit and speculation. This book looks back at the history of housing - its policies, conflicts and rights - over the 48 years of democracy to understand how we got here. Moreover, it opens up in space, with examples from other countries, and in time, with a reflection on the Revolutionary Period in progress, to think about how we can overcome the housing “crisis”.