International Colloquium

Legacies of Colonialism: the case of Cape Verde

December 13, 2022, 10h00-17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


The central idea of this event is to discuss the legacies of colonialism and their political, social and cultural impacts, based on the specific case of Cape Verde. A final table will also debate, in a broader manner, the meanings and articulations between different colonialisms and decolonisations.


10h30 – 12h00. The liberation struggle and its actors: contributions, silences and legacies
Celeste Fortes (Uni-CV), Crisanto Barros (Uni-CV), Inês Nascimento Rodrigues (CES)

14h00 – 15h30. After Independence: memory, politics and Nation building
Ângela Coutinho (IPRI), Miguel Cardina (CES), Odair Barros-Varela (Uni-CV), Apolo de Carvalho (CES)

15h30 – 17h00. Colonialisms and Decolonisations: some comparative reflections
Catarina Martins (FLUC/CES), Bruno Sena Martins (CES), Ivan Alvarado Castro (UAM)

Organiser: 'CROME - Crossed memories, politics of silence: the colonial-liberation wars in post-colonial times' (ERC - Grant n.º 715593)

Activity within the "50 anos de abril" organization