Alcione Carolina Gabriel da Silva


She has Bachelor's (1999) and Master's (2007) degrees in Psychology from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). Currently is a PhD. Candidate in the Program "Democracy in the 21st Century" (Sociology/Political Science) from the Centre of Social Studies (CES) of Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). She holds the Women's Leadership Program Certificate (2022) from NOVA School of Business and Economics. (Portugal). Recently, she has been working on an ongoing professional project under the supervision of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT/USA) in Digital Transformation. With strong interdisciplinary experience, as a researcher, has been acting primarily on the following subjects: Democracy, Feminist Epistemologies, Technopolitics, Digital Culture, Digital Inclusion, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Social Media, Digitalisation, Network Intelligence, Feminism, Subjectivity and, formerly, Solidarity Economy and Psychoanalysis issues. For the past four years, she has been PhD research visiting at Sciences Po, MediaLab Paris, founded by Bruno Latour, under the supervision of its director, Dominique Cardon (2020), at the Laboratoire d'Études de Genre et de Sexualité, LEGS(CNRS/Nantérre/Paris VII), Paris, under the supervision of its directress and member of CNRS and the Chaire UNESCO d'Éthique du Vivant et de l'Artificiel (EVA), Marta Segarra (2018) and in Manuel Castells' Tecnopolítica group, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, under the supervision of Antonio Callejo (2017). She is a member of the Science and Democracy Network at Harvard Science, Technology and Society Program and the Tecnopolitica, Cultura Digital y Ciudadania working group (CLACSO). From 2005 to 2016, she was a junior researcher in Brazil in four competitive-funded projects (CNPq and FIOTEC /FIOCRUZ). She worked as a consultant in Participatory Democracy (UNESCO), Solidarity Economy (IADB), and Education, Communication and Culture integrated projects for universities (UFBA and UnB). As a public manager, she was responsible for managing some of Brazil¿s federal public policies for digital inclusion, digital culture, culture and communication, acting in Brazil's Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Culture in the governments of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.