Mónica Catarina Soares


MSc in justice psychology (FEP-UCP, 2013) and a current Ph.D. student at the Centre for Social Studies (CES, Coimbra). Since 2012, as a researcher, Mónica Soares has been participating in several research projects, namely at Universidade do Minho (Escola de Psicologia & CICP) and at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FEP-UCP). In this last institution, she is an invited professor at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Rights and in the Master Program in Psychology, on themes such as psychology, criminology, and human rights. As a visiting researcher fellow and/or visiting professor, she collaborated with the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSyH, BUAP, Mexico; 2018-2022), with the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the La Plata University (2020) and with the Center for Community Studies (CEC-Universidad Marta Abreu de Las Villas Cuba, 2016-2017). She works in the area (s) of social sciences with an emphasis on psychology, political science, and criminology around issues related to social movements; political participation, and subjectivity; psychology of morality; psychology of justice; justice politics; victims and offenders' evaluation and intervention; juvenile justice; feminist studies; utopian studies.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Soares, Mónica Catarina (2021), "Feminismo à deriva? Sobre disputas reacionárias coetâneas do ideário feminista", Revista Espaço Académico, 21, 79-91