Pako Chalkidis


Pako is a Post-doctoral researcher at the project TRACE- Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism and Age-related LGBTI+ Politics in Europe, at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. He specialises in the interdisciplinary field of gender and sexuality studies as a social anthropologist, with a focus on Greek ethnography. His Thesis entitled "BDSM practices, sexualities, socialities: Anthropological Approaches" presents a rigorous ethnographic exploration of BDSM social and sexual networks in contemporary Greece. During the past decade, he has conducted ethnographic research on gender and sexuality policies related to same-sex parenting and the uses of new reproductive technologies. They have also explored the intersection of politics of desire with queer kinship activism and theories, and examined forms of institutional violence within SOGI asylum policies in Greece. In his previous research, he has focused on the bio-social experience of ageing during the COVID-19 pandemic. He has published several articles in both international and Greek scientific journals and has contributed to numerous volumes within the field. He also served as a co-editor, alongside Dr. Eirini Avramopoulou, for a scientific collection entitled "Sexuality's Object(ion)s: Critical theories and interdisciplinary readings" published in Greek in 2022. Pako is a founding member of the Association of Social Anthropologists in Greece.

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Chalkidis, Pako (2024), Σεξιστόρηση ή Επανεξετάζοντας BDSM κυβερνοερωτικά αρχεία, in Τόπος (ΜΟΤΙΒΟ ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ) (org.), Κριτική Δημόσια Ανθρωπολογία και Σπουδές Φύλου. Αθήνα: Αβραμοπ, 191-201

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Book Chapter

Chalkidis, Pako (2023), Γήρανση και COVID-19: Παρατηρήσεις για τον ηλικιακό ρατσισμό και την οικειότητα ως πόρο, in Αίγλη Χατζούλη (org.), Τρίτη ηλικία, ευαλωτότητα και σχέσεις φροντίδας την εποχή της πανδημίας. Εργαστή: Πανεπισ, 135-151

Book Chapter

Chalkidis, Pako (2023), Vanilla democracy: Sexuality, parenthood, and kinship in Greece, in Dahl, Ulrika; Mizielińska, Joanna; Uibo, Raili; Sorainen, Antu (org.), Queer(y)ing Kinship in the Baltic Region and Beyond. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 75-97