Chiara Carrozza


With a BA in Economics (La Sapienza, Rome) and a PhD in Political Science (Universitá di Torino, Torino), I am currently research fellow at CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra (FCT funding). I live in Portugal, between Coimbra and Lisbon. My current research project addresses the topic of expertise and scientific collaborations in climate research: I work on the funding and dynamics of climate research in the European Research Area as one of the factors explaining the inequalities in production and visibility of knowledge. I also work on the politics of public research and on water politics and policy, and cultivate theoretical and methodological approaches such as STS, Digital Sociology and Methods, ANT. I was Principal Investigator of the research project "The importance of being digital. Exploring digital scholarship and digital methods" selected for funding by FCT in the context of the 2013 call for Exploratory Projects. The project investigated the impact of the digital technologies in scholarly practices in both theoretical and methodological terms (awarded funding euro 47.677,00).

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Pisarkiewicz, Anna Renata; Innocenti, Niccolò; Mazzoni, Leonardo; Carrozza, Chiara (2024), "Is Technological Leadership the Same Across Critical Technologies? The Case of 5G and Semiconductors", SSRN Electronic Journal, April 23

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Article in Scientific journal

Carrozza, Chiara; Giorgi, Alberta; Raffini, Luca (2023), "Cittadinanze sospese. Precarietà, mobilità e diritti delle ricercatrici e dei ricercatori italiani all'estero", Disjuntiva. Crítica de les Ciències Socials, 4, 2, 91-106

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Book Chapter

Parcu, Pier Luigi; Pisarkiewicz, Anna Renata; Carrozza, Chiara (2023), Competitive Strategies of Marketplaces Vis-À-Vis Logistic Choices: Issues of Efficiency and Competition, in Parcu, P.L., Brennan, T.J., Glass, V. (org.), Postal Strategies. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 1-13

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