
University degrees, diplomas and academic public assessments

2020 - PhD in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship , Decolonizing difference: the trajectories of Brazilian urban indigenous in the defense of their identity and construction of an intercultural State, Centre for Social Studies at Coimbra University

2012 - Master in Anthropology, "In the midst of the city there is a quilombo: the identity formation process of the Mangueiras quilombo in Belo Horizonte", University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

2009 - Bachelor in Law, Quilombola communities in focus: an analysis of human rights in the relationship between social emancipation and interculturality, University of Minas Gerais - Faculty of Law

Field of specialisation

Postcolonialisms; Racial critical studies; ethnic and racial identities; the right to difference; intersectional feminisms.