Creative Work


Giuliani, Gaia (2022), "Invited workshop (1/7): 'Fears of catastrophe in the Anthropocene: a postcolonial critique', Free School of Performance 'LiveWorks', 1-3 July 2022". Terme, Centrale Fies, Trento, Italy: Barbara Boninsegna & Simone Frangi (curators)


Giuliani, Gaia (2022), "Organisation of the round table (5/7) on Anti-racist counternarratives with artists and activists Leila Garsi, Gaia Giuliani, Wissal Houbabi, Marwa Mahmood, Ndack Mbaye, Fernanda Minuz, Rahel Sereke". Bologna, Italy


Giuliani, Gaia (2022), "Invited workshop (24/6): 'The Anthropocene and its Discontents - A Postcolonial Critique' at the Ano Zero, Bienal de arte de Coimbra 2022". Coimbra, Portugal: Filipa Oliveira (curator)


Giuliani, Gaia (2021), "Invited talk (26/9): 'L'altro. Fotografia e identità' at the Talk series 'Esterno Notte'". Torino, Italy: Centro Italiano per la Fotografia


Giuliani, Gaia (2020), "Invited video-intervention: "Bianchezza (whiteness" in video-series "Le parole che ci mancano"". Italy: Association "Il Razzismo è una brutta storia"


Giuliani, Gaia (2020), "Invited paper (29/11) 'The semiotic power of borders: race, monstrosity and the colonial archive', at the event by Dirsuption network lab "Borders of Fear. Migration, Security & Control" Live from Studio 1, November 27-29 2020". Kunstquartier Bethanien - Berlin, Germany: Dirsuption network lab


Giuliani, Gaia (2020), "Invitation to be a speaker (26/5) in the talk series after the Theater project". Teatro Municipal de São Luiz, Lisbon Portugal: Al Kantara - Associação Cultural (Lisbon)


Giuliani, Gaia (2019), "Invitation to be a speaker at the 'AMNESIA Clandestine talk' (1/8) in the frame of the project 'Thinking Head' by artist Lara Favaretto. Participants: Warren Neidich, Lucrezia Cippitelli, Clio Nicastro, Gaia Giuliani". Venice, Italy: 58º Biennale Arte Venezia


Giuliani, Gaia (2019), "One day conference (13/4) at the Queer-feminist Ecocriticism in Live Art and Visual Cultures: speakers include Gaia Giuliani, João Florencio and Silvia Federici, 4-19 April 2019". Queen Mary, London, UK: Arts Feminism Queer


Giuliani, Gaia (2019), "Invited video-intervention: 'Il colonialismo italiano e Indro Montanelli'". Italy: National movement 'Non una di meno'


Giuliani, Gaia (2018), "Invited lecture (30/9) 'Mostri in movimento: per una lettura femminista e postcolonial del corpo migrante', at the 'Women out of joint' Feminist Art Festival, 28-30 September 2018". Rome, Italy: National Gallery of Modern & Contemporary Art