João Paulo Providência
Paulo Providencia holds an Architecture degree from the University of Porto (1988) and a PhD from the University of Coimbra (2007). He is Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Coimbra, where he is also a Tutor of Masters and PhD Dissertations. As well, he is a practicing Architect with an interest in the design of public-use buildings. Local coordinator of the European Joint Master Degree in Architecture, Landscape, Archaeology a joint programme of the University of Rome La Sapienza, National Technical University of Athens, the University of Federico II of Naples and the University of Coimbra. The design studio exercises of the 5th year have been subject of public debates, bringing heritage and architectural discussions outside the insitutions. His research interests include nineteenth-century and contemporary methods and practice of architectural expression, architecture of the public health facilities, hospital heritage, and architectural project. Has been Design Studio Invited Critic at: ETH Zurique, EPFL Lausanne, KTH Estocolmo, UCD Dublin, SAUL Limerick, Sapienza Università di Roma, NTUA Athens, Facoltà di Architettura Politecnico di Bari, FAUP Porto, KU Leuven in Gent, among others.
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Providência, João Paulo (2024), "Pego Longo para além da pedreira, ou construção espontânea para uma urbanidade emergente.", Intersecções, 1, 32-35
Read moreBook Chapter
Providência, João Paulo (2024), Reabilitação e Ampliação da Igreja de São Salvador de Figueiredo: estratigrafias do projeto arquitetónico / Restoration and Expansion of the Church of São Salvador de Figueiredo.: Stratigraphy of the Architectural Project., in Armando Rabaça, Bruno Gil (org.), Arquitetura como poética do saber. A igreja paroquial de São Salvador de Figueiredo por Paulo Providência / Architecture as Poetics of Knowledge. The São Salvador de Figueiredo Parish Church by Paulo Providência. Coimbra: E|d|arq, 26-63
Book Chapter
Providência, João Paulo (2023), Maison d'Homme: un taller de diseño para la rehabilitación de equipamentos hospitalarios, in Maria Lilia González Servín (org.), Registro del sistema arquitectónico de pabillones en Hospitalres de América Latina - Volumen 4. Ciudad de México: Facultad de Arquitectura, Univ Nac Aut México, 215-236
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