Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. , Braga, Portugal, 08 to 12 September by 2015.
Presentations in scientific events
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "O programa Crianças no Meio do Conflito", paper presented at Seminário Conflito Parental e a Intervenção das Assessorias Técnicas aos Tribunais: Pontes e Fronteiras da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, 22 to 22 November.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "O programa Crianças no Meio do Conflito", paper presented at I Encontro do Serviço de Psicologia da Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, Matosinhos, 07 to 08 November.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Seabra Santos, Maria João; Azevedo, Andreia ; Homem, Tatiana (2024), "Reducing the gap between research and practice: The national dissemination of the Incredible Years Teacher Program in Portugal", paper presented at Incredible Years Mentor Meeting, Inverness, Irlanda, 02 to 04 October.
Seabra-Santos, Maria João; Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "Implementing the Incredible Years Basic during the pandemic: Challenges and outcomes", paper presented at Incredible Years Mentor Meeting, Inverness, Escócia, 02 to 04 October.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "Estratégias de parentalidade", paper presented at Encontro de Medicina do Adolescente do Médio Ave, Vila Nova de Famalicão, 04 to 04 July.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "(Co)Parentalidade Positiva: Quando é necessário Proteger", paper presented at I Encontro de Boas Práticas na Proteção da Infância e Adolescência do Atlântico, Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde (participação on-line), 27 to 27 June.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "Porquê falar de emoções em idade pré-escolar?", paper presented at 4ª Conferência Internacional Emoções, Artes e Intervenção: Abordagens Colaborativas e Participação em Espaços Educativos, Leiria (participação on-line), 18 to 19 April.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "The national dissemination of the Incredible Years TCM in Portugal", paper presented at International Forum for Implementation and Research on Evidence Based Interventions for Children, Dublin, Irlanda, 09 to 10 April.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "Tecer o cérebro com outros cérebros", paper presented at Congresso Internacional Neurociência, Mente e Comportamento, Barcelos.
Major, Sofia; Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2024), "Programa Incredible Years®-Teacher Classroom Management: Quem são as crianças que mais beneficiam desta intervenção?", paper presented at 6º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses e no XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia, Lisboa.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2023), "The child in a high-conflict parenting relationship", paper presented at Closing Event on the Project "Establishment of a renewed family mediation system", Tallin (participação on-line), 13 to 13 October.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2023), "Neuropsychological Impacts of Parental Conflict in Child Development", paper presented at 6th International Conference on Shared Parenting, , Atenas, Grécia, 04 to 06 May.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2022), "O programa Crianças no meio do conflito", paper presented at 6º Congresso Lusobrasileiro de Alienação Parental, Lisboa, 16 March.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2022), "O burnout parental: Como podemos prevenir e tratar?. ", paper presented at V Congresso Ibérico de Terapia Familiar Sistémica, Madrid.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2022), "Parental burnout.", paper presented at 6º Congresso Internacional da Criança e do Adolescente.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2019), "Parental burnout and coparenting relationships: associations and implications", paper presented at 1st international Conference on Parental Burnout, UCLouvain, Bélgica, 06 to 07 December.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2019), "Two Homes one Family.
Multi-systemic Intervention in Divorce
Two Homes one Family.
Multi-systemic Intervention in Divorce
Two Homes one Family.
Multi-systemic Intervention in Divorce
Two homes, one family", paper presented at 10th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association
Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy
10th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association
Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy
, Nápoles, Itália, 11 to 14 September.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2019), "A arte de bem brincar com crianças:
O programa Anos Incríveis", paper presented at II Encontro A criança e o brincar, Seia, 01 to 01 June.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2018), "Espaços e modalidades de reflexão/aprendizagem sobre parentalidade positiva", paper presented at 4º Congresso Ibérico de Terapia Familiar: "Amor em tempos de crise".
, Coimbra, Portugal, 25 to 27 October.
Carvalho, Orlanda; Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2018), "Invited Symposium "Evidence-Based Parenting Interventions: Who Benefits and Why, and How Much do They Cost?", paper presented at XV Conference Eusarf (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents). , Porto, 02 to 05 October.
Leitão, Sara; Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Seabra-Santos, Maria (2018), "What is the role of therapist factors on the effectiveness of parent and family interventions directed to behavior problems? ", paper presented at XV Conference Eusarf (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Porto, Portugal, 02 to 05 October.
Carvalho, Orlanda; Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2018), "Symposium "Parenting Interventions: Evidence from Portuguese Studies".", paper presented at 9th Congress ESFR (European Society on Family Relations), Porto, Portugal, 5 a 8 setembro 2018, 05 to 08 September.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Homem, Tatiana; Ramos, Mariana; Seabra-Santos, Maria; Azevedo, Andreia (2018), "Quality of marital relationship and differential susceptibility of mothers to the effects of intervention in parenting ", paper presented at 9th Congress ESFR (European Society on Family Relations). , Porto, Portugal, 05 to 08 September.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2018), "Quality of marital relationship and differential susceptibility of mothers to the effects of intervention in parenting", paper presented at 9º Congresso da European Society on Family Relations (ESFR), , Porto, 03 September.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2017), "Gestão do Divórcio", paper presented at 18.º Congresso Nacional de Pediatria, Porto, 25 to 27 October.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Sequeira, Joana; Costa, Diana (2017), "Parents' narrative change in a parenting group program effective on externalizing behavior reduction
Paper Symposium: The effect of parenting programs on parenting behavior and cognition", paper presented at 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 29 August 01 September.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2017), "Arquitetos de soft-skills? Os educadores de infância do séc. XXI
", paper presented at XIV Encontro Nacional da APEI - Currículo e Desenvolvimento Curricular em Educação de Infância. , Porto, 07 to 08 July.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Homem, Tatiana; Ramos, Mariana; Seabra-Santos, Maria João; Azevedo, Andreia (2017), "Differential Susceptibility to the Incredible Years in a Portuguese sample". SYMPOSIUM: Parents' differential susceptibility to parenting interventions in early childhood. ", paper presented at 18TH Biennal SCIENTIFIC MEETING of the ISRCAP (International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopatology "Early childhood psychopatology: Neural markers, sensitive periods, and intervention". , Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, 28 June 01 July.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2017), "Promoção da parentalidade positive no divórcio e pós-divórcio: o programa Children in between", paper presented at II Reunião do Núcleo Hospitalar de Apoio a Crianças e Jovens em Risco do Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho (CHVNG/E). Tema: "A criança e a família. Conhecer para prevenir", Vila Nova de Gaia, 24 to 24 March.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Seabra-Santos, Maria João (2017), "Promoção da saúde mental infantil nos cuidados de saúde primários. ", paper presented at 1ª Jornadas da Unidade de Psicologia Clínica do CHUC, Coimbra, Coimbra, 22 to 24 March.
Gaspar, Maria Filomena (2014), "Ser família(s) na sociedade atual: Os desafios para a parentalidade", paper presented at I Jornadas "Estudos e Intervenções com a Família: Da Compreensão à Intervenção", Funchal, 19 to 19 January.