Advanced training

Advanced Training Courses

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (6º edição, 2022-2023), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), coordination of Turismo Criativo, Património e Desenvolvimento Local, Coimbra, FLUC and CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (5º edição, 2021), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), mentor in Colombia crea Valor: herramientas para incrementar el valor competitivo de la Economía Naranja (MOOC), Bogota, Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia in association with la Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación Internacional-APC-Colombia.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (4º edição, 2019-2020), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (3º edição, 2018-2019), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (4º edição, 2019-2020), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (2º edição, 2017-2018), CES-Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (3º edição, 2018-2019), Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (1º edição, 2016-2017), CES-Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão (2º edição, 2017-2018), CES-Coimbra, CES.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), coordination of Publicar sem Perecer: Sobreviver ao Turbilhão, CES-Coimbra, CES.

Ph. D. Project Supervisions

2022 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Beyond Site-Specific: Place-Based Practices in Tokyo's 'Art Projects'", by the author Lana Tran (Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan).

2019 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Cultural mapping in rural communities", by the author Thomas Buro (Copenhagen Business School).

2019 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Pierre Filion) of "Culture-Led Development in the Rural Context [co-supervisor 2016 to 2019]", by the author Jill Yuzwa.

2012 - Ph. D. project supervision of ""Naming the World" as representational practice: A study of relational approach in socially-engaged arts and local cultural indicators ", by the author Marnie Badham, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Claudino Ferreira and Nancy Duxbury) of "(under revision)", by the author Silvia Silva.

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Paula Abreu) of "INTERMEDIA - Cultural intermediaries in urban regeneration in small cities", by the author Tiago Vinagre Castro.

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Giovanni Allegretti) of "The struggle for the city: Identity, Memory and Cultural production as resistance to the new urban model", by the author Rigel Lazo Cantu.

Post-Doctoral Projects Supervisions

2011 - project co-supervision (with Nancy Duxbury) of "Rede de Cidades: Incubação Artística e Translação de Conhecimento", by the author Claudia Carvalho.

Master Theses Supervisions

2014 - master project co-supervision (with Suzanne de la Barre, Vancouver Island University) of "Sustainable Cultural Development in a Small Post-Industrial Canadian City", by the author Monica Shore.

Visiting Post-Doctoral Research Interns Projects Supervisions

2018 - project supervision of "Economia Criativa e Economia da Cultura: Configuração Comparativa entre Municípios das Regiões Metropolitanas de Porto Alegre e Lisboa ", by the author Margarete Panerai Araujo.

Visiting Doctoral Students Projects Supervisions

2023 - project supervision of "Modelando a Vida, Sentipensando a Terra: Processos educativos na produção e criação cerâmica do Alto Vale do Ribeira", by the author Conrado Marques da Silva de Checchi.

2020 - project supervision of "Culture's role in the sustainable development of the local community", by the author Ilona Asare (Latvian Academy of Culture).

2018-2019 - project co-supervision (with Nancy Duxbury and Paulo Providência) of "O PATRIMÓNIO CULTURAL COMO RECURSO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO? - Um capítulo da história da política de preservação cultural no Brasil entre 1999 e 2009, o Programa Monumenta", by the author Ana Clara Giannecchini.

2016 - project supervision of "REINVENTANDO O URBANO: Práticas culturais nas periferias e direito à cidade", by the author Clarice de Assis Libanio.

2015 - project supervision of "Jardín en red: arte, naturaleza y sociedad", by the author Lorena Lozano.

Other Projects Supervisions

2013 - project co-supervision (with Nancy Duxbury) of "COST Short-term Scientific Mission", by the author Christiaan De Beukelaer .

2007 - project co-supervision (with Nancy Duxbury) of "MA Action Research Project Thesis: Choreographing community sustainability: the importance of cultural planning to community viability", by the author Catherine Runnalls.