Patrícia Vieira
Patrícia Vieira is Research Professor at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra. She coordinates the European Research Council Consolidator project ECO - Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin and co-coordinates the project RESILIENT - Forest Cities: Utopia and Development in the Modern Amazon, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Vieira, Patrícia (2025), Frans Krajcberg: Articulating the Natural World, in Inés Katzenstein; María del Carmen Carrión; Madeleine Murphy Turner (org.), Momentum: Art and Ecology in Contemporary Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press, 181-196
Vieira, Patrícia; Kraj, Lukasz (orgs.) (2024), Amazónia: Antologia e Novos Poemas. Lisbon: Mariposa Azual
Book Chapter
Vieira, Patrícia (2024), Las Vidas de los Ríos Amazónicos, in Juanjo Fernández (org.), Parana Twana / Alma del río: La vida en las comunidades ribereñas del Marañon. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 31-33