Theses defended
December 6, 2024
A Igreja Ortodoxa Russa e o Estado nas relações de Política Externa Russo-Ucranianas: variações e ausência do espaçoDecember 4, 2024
"The Absolute Movement of Becoming": Civil Society and International Law in the Palestinian and Saharawi National Liberation StrugglesOctober 17, 2024
Os Afroamericanos e a Política Externa dos EUA para África: Uma Análise Comparada dos Mandatos de George W. Bush e Barack Obama (2001-2017)November 20, 2023
O papel da CEDEAO na gestão de conflitos e construção da paz na áfrica ocidental: As intervenções na Serra -Leoa, Guiné-Bissau e Costa do MarfimJuly 3, 2023
The Israeli-Jordanian Peace Process: Ontological Security and Processes of (De)SecuritizationDecember 9, 2021
Security identity and foreign policy changes: Brazil's relations with Argentina from 1985 to 2018April 29, 2021
Foreign Policy Dynamics in the Wider Caspian: Russia, Turkey, Iran and the Post-Soviet Regional Order (1992-2015)March 24, 2021
The 2003 Bush's rejection of a "Grand Bargain" and the 2009 Obama's openings. The Iran nuclear deal as a US foreign policy case studyMarch 22, 2021
(Re)sources for conflict and cooperation in the Caspian - Black Sea region: The impact of energy dynamicsJanuary 25, 2021
O imaginário da ameaça do terrorismo transnacional e as dinâmicas da decisão política portuguesaApril 28, 2020
Identitiesin conflict: dehumanization and peace-less reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian protracted peace processApril 24, 2020
Becoming eligible for peace: an analysis of the role of the UN peacebuilding architecture