Labour and Development in Brazil: challenges for the regulation of labour
José Dari Krein (UNICAMP / CESIT)
December 12, 2013, 17h00
Room 1, CES-Coimbra
The presentation will establish a relationship between the dynamics of contemporary capitalism in Brazil and the challenges for the discussion of public regulation of labour. The debate in Brazil considers the following aspects: 1) the changes in contemporary capitalism have shown adverse implications for public regulation of labour and collective action of workers; 2) the resumption of economic growth enabled the redefinition of the terms of discussion of labour in Brazil; and 3) the current crisis calls into question the ability of the State to have a more active role in developing the economy; 4) demographic trends have increased the weight of the adult labour force, which has implications for the functioning of the labor market. From the diagnosis will be identified challenges in the regulation of the labour market, especially in the central aspects of the employment relationship (journey, compensation and contracting forms).
Bio note
José Dari Krein is a professor at the Institute of Economics of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and director of the Centre for Trade Union and Labour Economics Studies (CESIT). He holds a MA and Phd in Social and Labour Economics, and has published several articles and books in these fields.
Under the grant "15 days at CES" José Dari Krein develops research during the first two weeks of December within the desenvolve investigação na primeira quinzena de dezembro em articulação com o Social Policies, Labour and Inequalities Research Group (POSTRADE) and with the Doctoral Programme "Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism" , as well as with other CES Doctoral Programmes and Research Groups.