3rd edition of the CES Award for Young Scientists

Helena Singer winner of the 3rd edition of CES Award

The Jury for the 3rd edition of the CES Award for Young Portuguese-speaking Social Scientists, chaired by Boaventura de Sousa Santos and made up of Hermínio Martins (University of Oxford), Isabel Allegro Magalhães (NOVA University), José Vicente Tavares dos Santos (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Manuel Vilaverde Cabral (University of Lisbon), Maria de Lurdes Pintasilgo (United Nations University) e Teresa Cruz e Silva (Eduardo Mondlane University), took the unanimous decision to nominate the winner:

Helena Singer
Linchamentos, Punições e Direitos Humanos: discursos desconcertados

The jury has also granted three Special Mentions to the following works:

Heitor José Rocha Gomes
Reestruturação e Expansão Industrial da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa - a emergência de novos territórios: os casos de Sintra e Alenquer

João Paulo dos Santos Dias
Organização Judiciária e Controlo Interno: o papel dos conselhos superiores em Portugal

Lídia de Jesus Oliveira Loureiro da Silva
Implicações Conginitivas e Sociais da Globalização das Redes e Serviços Telemáticos: estudo das implicações da comunicação reticular na dinâmica cognitiva e social da comunidade científica portuguesa

About the Award
In 1999, the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra has created a biennial award for young researchers (up to age 35) from Portuguese-speaking countries. CES Award is designed to distinguish high-quality work in the field of the Social Sciences and the Humanities. One of its main objectives is to acknowledge studies that, for their outstanding merit, contribute to the development of the Portuguese-speaking scientific communities. The Social Sciences area is broadly understood.