Promoting innovative-strategies addressing the construction of gender identities and engaging men and boys in
non-violent models of masculinity
EQUI-X brings a gender-synchronized approach (H|M Program) aiming to achieve gender-equity (SDG-5) and prevent violence in its multiple forms. This will take place across 5 EU countries (ES-PT-DE-BE-HR).
The objectives include bringing to the EU new approaches preventing gender-based violence amidst girls/women and boys/men, from different ages and backgrounds; promoting innovative-strategies that empowers both girls/women and boys/men, addressing the construction of gender and promoting non-violent models of masculinity; strengthening relations between EU Academia and NGO’s for gender-based violence awareness and prevention programs
Fundación CEPAIM
Dissens - Institut fur Bildung und Forschung
Beweging tegen Geweld - vzw Zijn