International Seminar

Judicial professions at a crossroad? The interaction between justice, productivity and health and well-being

September 26, 2024, 15h00

Great Hall of the Coimbra Court of Appeal

The performance of the courts is commonly analysed and evaluated by the volume of cases and the "time of justice". Although the courts are a complex organisation that guarantees a fundamental public service, the working conditions in which the judicial professions carry out their duties are rarely questioned or discussed in the context of public justice policies. Effective, swift, fair and balanced justice depends not only on the legal framework, judicial organisation and existing resources, but also on the conditions in which the professions exercise their functions to meet the objectives of justice. In this context, the impact of working conditions is a crucial variable for understanding the performance of the courts and the quality of justice provided to citizens. And in this sense, it is necessary to "look" at the judicial professions, assessing their levels of health and well-being to better understand the potential impacts on the realisation of justice and guarantee the effectiveness of the rights of those who carry out judicial functions.

This International Seminar seeks to contribute to recent discussions on the working conditions of the judicial professions (judges, public prosecutors and court clerks), their health and well-being. In a context of growing concern about the symptoms experienced by various professions, in Portugal and other countries, it is important to reflect on the state of our judicial professions, from an international perspective, to adopt a new approach to occupational risks and, in particular, the psychosocial risks inherent to the ones who works in a court.

This event will take place in person. The event will also be broadcast on Justiça TV, to allow easy access for court professionals and the general public.

Registration is free but compulsory.


Opening Session: Jorge Loureiro - President of the Court of Appeal of Coimbra
Moderator: Olga Maurício - Juíza-Desembargadora do Tribunal da Relação de Coimbra


Jill Hunter - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
João Paulo Dias / Paula Casaleiro - Permanent Observatory for Justice / Centre for Social Studies / University of Coimbra
Paulo Lona - President of the Union of Public Prosecutors
Margarida Reis - General-Secretary of the Association of Portuguese Judges

Organisation: Permanent Observatory for Justice of the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra and Coimbra Court of Appeal