Vítor Murtinho

18.10.1964 - 10.01.2025

Vítor Murtinho, Full Professor at the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra, was one of the first faculty members of the Architecture Course at the University of Coimbra. He joined the Cultures, Cities and Architecture Research Group since its creation in 2007, when a group of DARQ professors was invited to develop their research at CES.

Vítor Murtinho developed part of his research in the area of Theory and History of Architecture, particularly on Representation in Modern Culture, focused on, among other authors, Leon Battista Alberti and Filarete. In this context, he participated in the scientific research project "Alberti Digital" (2010-13), coordinated by Mário Kruger. He also researched sustainable construction, participating in the "SB_STEEL - Sustainable Building Project in Steel" project, coordinated by Luís Simões da Silva. As a member of the editorial board of various journals, he wrote several articles with colleagues on contemporary cultural issues, particularly regarding Coimbra's built heritage.

He served as deputy director of FCTUC and vice-rector of UC for facilities. During this period, he was responsible for, among other works, the Colégio da Graça project on Rua da Sofia, and its subsequent occupation by CES and the April 25 Documentation Center. His contribution was also fundamental to the expansion of CES Alta facilities, with the integration of the areas of the "former IERU" and "former CGD."
His exclusive dedication to Academia always had implications at CES, as a result of research that combined Culture and Technology and a strategic vision for the built heritage of the city and the University of Coimbra.